Tailored Wellness Solutions in Aylesbury and Beyond

What am I offering ?

From my experience as a health profession as well as a patient and my qualifications I have crafted a special client centred care to health people with metabolic linked illnesses which are so wide spread now. You will notice the different warm welcome from the start because of my Functional Nutrition approach that allows you a space to tell your story without being judged or labelled. Using my coaching skills means that you are in a complete holistic environment where you are seen as a whole person and not just a diagnosis or a symptom. Because in functional practice we believe that every person is unique and every system in your body is connected, you are guaranteed a one to one attention and a care plan specifically designed for you. There is no “one size fits all”.

What really makes Functional Nutrition practice special is that I do not focus on diagnoses and I do not chase symptoms. I go to the root of the problem. There are no ‘quick fixes’. I will work with you, as equal partners, to achieve life long solution that you will discover when you commit to do the work and I give my best support with integrity to guide you through the journey to achieving your health goals.

Who can benefit?

It is true that most of the common illnesses we suffer from today are nutrition and lifestyle related and can be addressed by making changes in these areas of our lives. The illnesses present as many different signs and symptoms. Well planned and executed changes focusing at the root causes of these symptoms translate to protecting the body from harm, providing the body with its appropriate needs and let the body do its job, i.e. heal where trauma occurs and keeping alive.

Change is not easy for most of us and that is quite normal, be it changing habits, lifestyle, diet and even mindset shift. Facing change can evoke resistance and that becomes a blockage to our attempts to achieve the healthy life we seek. I qualified as a Health Coach at CNM, London, and I am also a certified Transformational Life Coach.

This has given me the tools to help clients overcome challenges of embracing change and offer the motivation to achieve their health goals.

If Any of the Following is Your Health Goal We Would Like to Hear From You

  • To learn about nutrition and metabolism in order to improve my health and lifestyle.
  • To learn how food and lifestyle can prevent or reverse the symptoms of metabolic syndrome (e.g. high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes).
  • To overcome the struggles of trying to complying with treatment and changes that you have been given by your doctor or other health professionals.
  • To meet a listening and empathetic health practitioner after several unsuccessful attempts.
Person measuring their weight on the scale

Functional Nutrition

In my capacity as a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner, I am qualified to provide nutrition and lifestyle counseling, along with health coaching services. This is the unique offering I bring to clients.

Functional nutrition represents an alternative healthcare approach distinct from the conventional medical model. It views the body as a unified entity rather than focusing solely on isolated ailments. The emphasis is on identifying the root cause of illness rather than merely addressing symptoms, as is common in traditional medical care. As a Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner, I provide clients with a distinctive and holistic form of care, offering them an opportunity to gain deeper insights into their body functions and the manifestation of illness. Instead of relying on medication, my approach involves employing skills and tools to guide clients through a transformative journey toward their health goals. This journey includes personalized diet and lifestyle modifications, complemented by dedicated health coaching.

Collaboration with other professionals is a key aspect of our approach, particularly with those caring for the same clients, such as general practitioners and therapists. This collaborative effort aims to maximize overall benefits for the client. Drawing on my background as a retired NHS nurse, I possess a thorough understanding of how the NHS operates and can empathize with clients undergoing NHS care. This nursing experience enhances my ability to support and guide individuals in navigating their healthcare journey.

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Person discussing with their therapist